CODA at Georgia Tech Square
Atlanta, GA
Senior Associate / Project Manager - with Thomas Balsley Associates
Completion anticipated 2019
In collaboration with John Portman & Associates, TBA was the Landscape Architect responsible for conceiving of the open space design that unites 645,000 square feet of office space, a high-performance data center, retail and collaboration space. The design respects and integrates the historic and former Crum & Forster insurance house - circa 1927 - to be re purposed at a restaurant to activate this prominent corner of the site.
The linear public space bisects the site and provides an engaging shortcut between the 5th Street connection to the University campus and the burgeoning midtown residential and mixed-use core emerging to the East.
Senior Associate / Project Manager
Three unique conceptual designs were proposed. All three attempted to draw people in from both ends with a distinct and iconic ground plane to unify the buildings. Careful study of the buildings supporting structure, waterproofing assemblies, and head space were need to reconcile the elevation changes between Spring and Peachtree Streets - the through-space was designed to be fully accessible. Custom furnishings concepts were developed in detail. I coordinated all internal production of models, diagrams and renderings, and produced all client presentations, and was responsible for production and delivery of bid documents on budget with the projects GMP. This price was negotiated with significant input on sourcing, procurement, and cost estimating input.